The Brand
We are Cagecity London. We represent a positive rebellion against societies norms, standards and labels. It’s OUR label not societies; “OURS NOT THEIRS”.
We represent the notion of living a life true to yourself and not allowing the pressure of society to tell you otherwise.
We choose to rebel against the prison of societies labels. We flip the script. This is OUR label. We dictate who we are and how we live OUR life, NOT society.
We show this through our un-conformist and unconventional logo placements.

The kinda Boring but still Useful info
We work with small family run factories that take pride in their work which in turn takes more time to produce, so we are not super fast fashion. We will however aim to bring you the best prices for top quality pieces.
We would like to highlight that clothing sizes are arbitrary. Size guides are created dependent on a style and how it is envisioned to fit by us, the designers. Factories also work to a certain tolerance (leeway/movement) which means there is never one set size.
We have worked to generic sizes, but we encourage you to buy the size dependent on how you want it to fit. We have put some notes in the descriptions to guide you.

Events of 2020
The recent events that have shook the nation has made us as a society come together and stand together. Our message of not feeling that you have to comply or conform to old outdated society norms and pressures is important now more than ever.
Judgement and expectations need to change, whether that is towards someone’s race, age, what someone wears, how someone speaks.
Our goal is to be your long term fashion brand with a positive message and to encourage change. So when people see the logo the message is heard and the subconscious will slowly change to a new form of open mindedness.

Campaign #OURS
The Campaign -
We are the generation with the power to make a change. To eradicate all the old school rules, sayings, labels and pressures that have riddled our society for far too long.
We are fighting for a more open-minded world and to update the subconscious.
Are you with us?